구름이 피어나는 소리
호수를 품은 사막 - 렌소이스 사막, 브라질 본문
새하얀 모래 사막,
그 아래 호수가 잠들어 있다.
매년 빗줄기과 함께 수 백개의 호수가 퐁퐁 솟아 오르고
빛줄기가 강해지면 사막은 호수를 발 아래 꼭꼭 숨겨 둔다.
제자리를 지키는 두 개의 오아시스와
매년 돌아 오는 작은 물고기들
브라질, 렌소이스 사막
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
Clouds turn to rain when water droplets and ice crystals that make them up get too big to resist the pull of Earth’s gravity. This is often caused by particles that disturb the maelstrom of droplets and crystals to become seeds around which cloud matter coalesces. Once this happens, the seeds grow rapidly and eventually fall to the ground.
In 2010 researchers in Norway concluded that bacteria are not as important to rainfall as dust is. But calculations by Ms Suski and her colleagues suggest that their rainmaking powers are amplified when they mingle with desert dust. Deserts may be some of the harshest places on the planet to live, but, if Ms Suski is right, they may be the enablers of life everywhere else.
'From dust to lawn', The Economist, Feb 28th 2013.
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