목록어제까지의 세계/비즈니스 수색일지 (18)
구름이 피어나는 소리
Mr Isenberg(Daniel Isenberg) has two important bits of advice for policymakers who genuinely want to foster entrepreneurship. First, they should remove barriers to entry, and growth, for all sorts of business, rather than seeking to build particular types of clusters. Second, they should recognise the importance of the profit motive. There has been much fancy talk of “social entrepreneurship”—ha..
The idea of sharing with Internet strangers is beginning to seem less risky, says Rachel Botsman, an Australian consultant who wrote a book about the share economy called "What's Mine Is Yours." Airbnb's success proved people will share their largest asset, she says, opening "the dialogue around how strangers can be trusted in new ways." ... Ms. Lichaa, who hosts Feastly meals in Washington, hel..
It is useful to recall why patents exist. The system was established as a trade-off that provides a public benefit: the state agrees to grant a limited monopoly to an inventor in return for disclosing how the technology works. To qualify, an innovation must be novel, useful and non-obvious, which earns the inventor 20 years of exclusivity. “Design patents”, which cover appearances and are grante..
In wonkish circles, energy efficiency used to be known as “the fifth fuel”: it can help to satisfy growing demand for energy just as surely as coal, gas, oil or uranium can. But in these environmentally conscious times it has been climbing the rankings. Whereas the burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming, and nuclear plants generate life-threatening ..
To follow your own unique direction, consider: • Jobbers, innovators and entrepreneurs come from all backgrounds and you don’t have to choose either/or - it can be both and more. • Define yourself more by who you are than what you do - those are not mutually exclusive concepts. - Be More Than Your Job, Beverly Schwartz, Jun. 8th 2012, Forbes Jeff Skoll, 스콜재단 설립자 제가 받아보는 두 기관의 뉴스레터에 같은 기사가 소개되었습니..
Disabled people must become 'inspired consumers' and 'motivated investors'. The last thirty years of lobbying governments and the courts, has come and gone. We must turn our attention to informing companies on how to improve our consumer experience. Rather than marching on Parliament, shift your focus to products and services that you enjoy that could be better. Start telling companies how their..
In the days when CSR was just about public relations, it was probably bad for the reputation of business in general. Companies seemed to concede that profitmaking was a bad thing. Too often, they bowed to anti-business activists and made “amends” through good works. Today’s iteration of CSR is less self-abasing and more constructive. It is encouraging businesses to become more frugal in their us..
1. 바야흐로 '기업가'의 시대입니다. 환경, 보건, 교육, 예술 등 모든 분야에서 기업가 정신이 적용되고 있으며 또한 요청되고 있습니다. 기업가란 단순히 자본을 창출하는 경영능력을 의미하지 않습니다. 기업가란 '기회로 전환될 수 있는 문제를 찾기 위해 항상 깨어있으며 한정된 자원을 활용해 목표를 달성하는 창의적 방법을 찾아내는 사람'이며 이는 삶을 확장하고 설계하는 능력과 맞닿아 있습니다. 저 또한 인도 여행 이후, 늘 기업가의 삶을 지향하고 있습니다. 5년 전 뉴델리에서 여행을 막 시작할 무렵, 하루에 한 번은 '에베레스트 카페 Cafe Everest'란 곳을 찾아 끼니를 해결했습니다. 처음엔 비좁고 가격대도 착한 편이 아니라 좋은 인상은 아니었지만, 문 밖으로 퍼져나오는 진한 시나몬 향의 유혹을 좀..